5 Jan 2010

Chilli Chicken


Boneless chicken cut into small cubes(1 whole chicken)
1 tablespoon tomato sauce,

1 tablespoon chili sauce,

2 tablespoons Soya sauce,

2 tablespoons vinegar
Salt to taste,
6 green chilies 4 big onions (chopped),
1 heaped tablespoon corn flour,

2 eggs,

1 teaspoon ajinamoto,

Refined cooking oil


Wash the chicken pieces and dry them.
Marinate the pieces with 1 tablespoon Soya sauce, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1/2 tablespoon tomato sauce, 1/2 table spoon chili sauce and enough salt.

Beat the eggs and pour them on the chicken pieces.
Add half a tablespoon corn flour and mix well the whole mixture. Allow it to stand for 2 hours.
Drain excess liquid and store in a container.
Heat oil in a pan and fry the chicken pieces.
Keep the fried pieces in a separate container.
In the left over oil fry the green chilies and chopped onion slightly.
Pour the excess liquid stored earlier. Stir continuously.
Add the chicken pieces. Pour the rest of the sauces and a pinch of salt.
Mix the 1/2 tablespoon corn flour with a little of water and pour in the pan.
Add the ajinamoto.
Stir well and serve hot.

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2 comments: on "Chilli Chicken"

Unknown said...


Your receipes sounds good. Please post how to make chicken 65.
I love this. Please send me the link to srini_thiru@rediffmail.com once you have posted.

Thanks in Advance,

Jane Sheeba said...

Thanks for your interest Seenu. Your request is met here


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